City of Refuge

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Where to start? It has been a little busy...We are finishing up the first single for release from the P&W album. We are very excited about it and hope that it ministers to you :) There are some other things in the works with this song so keep us in your prayers as we look for God's guidance. As always, the album will probably be pushed back to release at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. We are working on it as mentioned so just keep your eye out for that single!

In other news, we are playing a FREE concert on Feb 12 at First Colony Bible Chapel in Sugar Land. It is with a conference called Leadership Rocks! So come on by and hang out with us, we would love to see you there.

Also want to give a shout out to First Colony Church of Christ. We will be there on Feb 14. We are excited about rockin' out with you!

I am excited to be working on a solo album. I will have more details later, so for now keep showing God's love to those around you and remember that there is no greater love than His!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Album?

School is off! It is a race to the finish ;) We are embarking on a new P&W album to hopefully be released summer of next year.

Question: "why try to record a new album during the school year?"
Answer: "I thought we were not busy enough with school, family, and concerts."

Good times...We are in the stage of re-writing a couple more hymns and picking a couple more songs to complete the album, so if you know of hymns or P&W songs you would like to hear on the album let us know! We will be looking at a lot of them ;)

I John 2:28

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer time is coming to a close and it was a great summer. Our last night in Katy was this past week but they have asked us to come back once a month to continue TABGHA. With excitement, I am pleased to say that we agreed! We will continue through the fall semester. So if you are in the area on the first Tuesday of every month, come by and join us at Kingsland First Baptist.

If you are last minute and need a band for back to school party, contact us! We'll see what we can do :) I hope everyone has had a great summer and we look forward to seeing you!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Time!

Hey y'all! It is summer time and I like it! I have to tell you that I have been stuck in 2 Kings 2 for awhile. Why one chapter? Because as I read the story of Elijah being taken up to heaven he leaves behind his mantle (cloak) for Elisha and I just did not get why. I have read what other people thought about this event and I have not been satisfied with what I have found. Why would a guy like Elisha, who has been following Elijah and learning from him, need a mantle? Can not God do what He wants anyway?

Sometimes when I read from the Bible I have to stay until I get what God is trying to show me. Some of the opinions I have read say it is a type of Christ. Christ covers us and works through us. Which I do agree with but for some reason I wasn't satisfied with the answer. Others say that the people of that day would not have accepted Elisha if he didn't have it. Really? Could not God divide the waters of the Jordan without Elisha having the mantle? I do understand that I can be pretty dense sometimes (well, most of the time) and I need something to show me the way but my heart still hungered for more of this chapter.

Sunday, before I went to church, I was reading through the passage again and it hit me...finally. It only took me two weeks :) If Elisha went to the river and used something of his own, his pride could creep into his life as it does so often in mine. Think about it, Elisha could of done it on his own but that mantle reminds him of where he comes from and who it is that gives him the strength to do those miracles. Wow! I know it simple...and it took me a long time to figure that out...but it hit home. How often do I go and do something without asking God to be involved? He is an amazing God and a loving God. He wants that relationship with me like a best friend. Every once in-a-while I will forget to ask God to help me as I write. May sound silly, but that is what He wants from us. The more time we spend with Him the more we will be like Him and pride can not get a foot in the door. Remember who is your source, because in the end He is the one the should be glorified.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hey guys, it has still been crazy for me. School is coming to a close and then summer school starts...the program I run at the high school goes year around so it will be a busy summer. We have been invited to to play in Katy one time a week for about 8 weeks starting June 2nd! If you are in the area you should come by Kingsland Baptist Church on Tuesday nights @ 8pm and check it out.

I wanted to quickly share what God has been teaching me over the past few weeks. One lesson I continually have to learn is that I am not in matter what I do, I have to remember that God has a plan and I have to let Him work. I have been praying about getting deeper into the music industry through song writing. This is something I don't want to do if God is not in it and I struggle with that thought. How do we truly know that God is in something? Do I sit around and when God calls me on my cell then I know He has put His stamp of approval on it? Do I push so hard that I, at all cost, get where I think I am suppose to be?

One thing I do know, is that as long as I truly seek God I should be in tune with what He desires. So, I guess the real question is what chord am I playing today?


Sunday, May 3, 2009

It has been a busy couple of weeks and I just wanted to let you know we are still here. We have an exciting event starting at the end of this month and lasting through the summer in Katy, TX. Kingsland Baptist Church has asked us to lead their College/Singles in worship. We will be doing this Bible study every Tuesday night so come out if you get a chance. I will catch up with you later.

1 John 2:28

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Weekend

It is upon us! Easter! I use this time to look back on the year and see what I have done for the One who did everything for me. There are areas that definitely still need work and areas that I have improved on. One of those areas I have is spending more time in His Word and I want to share that with you on a weekly bases.

This week I began in I Kings 1. It is amazing to me how we can hear and read stories over and over in the Bible and get something new out of it every time. The one thing that stood out at me today was the fact that David did not know that someone else was claiming Solomon's kingship and had to rely on someone else to come and tell him. Bathsheba and Nathan did tell him and they did it in a way that still allowed David to be the king in the decision making. Could they of thought he was too old and had too many problems to deal with this? Of course, but they were loyal to David and great friends.

It is important in life to surround yourself with solid friends. Friends that you trust and are loyal. These do not come in droves! I find it a privilege if I have one of those friends in my life. To be able to talk with them without having to guard what you say and they would tell you if there was something you should"oh yeah, there is this guy who has claimed your throne." So count your friend/friends a blessing and let them know how much you appreciate them for being a friend. Also, don't forget to thank God for showing us how to be the ultimate friend...especially this week :)
